Mumbai: The Daddy trailer, based on gangster-turned-politician Arun Gawli’s life, starring Arjun Rampal in the lead role, released today. Arjun Rampal looks promising and convincing as Arun Gawli from what we see in the trailer. Daddy is one of the most anticipated films of Bollywood this year. The film will be covering the rise and fall of the former gangster and the terror he created among people, rival underworld gangs and politicians. We will also get to see a glimpse of his love life with his wife Asha Gawli.
As the film is about to release soon, here are interesting facts about Arun Gawli:
Arun Gawli originally hails from Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra. He could not complete his matriculation due to lack of finances.
His family moved to Dagdi Chawl in Mumbai in the early 1950s.
Arun Gawli earlier worked as a milkman and later as a mill worker.
Arun Gawli there teamed up with gangster Sadashiv Pawle in the 1970s. Along with Pawle, he allegedly indulged in many anti-social activities.
In the late 1970s, Arun Gawli formed the Byculla gang with Babu Reshim and Rama Naik. He was called as ‘Daddy; by his gang members.
Arun Gawli fell in love with Zubeida Mujawar. He married his lady love going against his family. Post marriage, her name was changed to Asha Gawli. She initially stayed away from Gawli’s criminal activities, however later she took over the reign and was called ‘Mummy’.
Gawli reportedly provided financial security to his contractor friend for which he demanded a flat 50 per cent commission or properties in newly constructed buildings.
It was rumoured during the 1980s that his Byculla gang supported Dawood Ibrahim’s D-gang. However, the relations took a toss due to some differences in Rama Naik and Dawood’s financier Sharad Shetty.
A never-ending rivalry began when Naik was killed in a police encounter in 1988 and Gawli thought it was planned by Dawood.
Gawli was first arrested in 1986 for murdering criminal Parasnath Pandey and Sashi Resham from the Cobra gang. This was the time when Gawli drew attention of cops and people.
Arun Gawli was said to be close to Bal Thackeray. In one of the public meetings, Bal Thackeray had apparently said, ““If the Congress has Dawood Ibrahim with them, we have Arun Gawli”. Gawli was in jail when Thackeray made this statement.
The relations between Bal Thackeray and Arun soured when his gang allegedly killed many Shiv Sena leaders.
In 2004, Gawli, through is own party Akhil Bharatiya Sena, contested elections. He was elected from the Chinchpokli constituency as an MLA.
Gawli reportedly contracted killers to murder Shiv Sena corporator Kamlakar Jamsendekar, in 2007, for which he was convicted of murder and ended up in Jail along with 7 others.
Arun Gawli is presently lodged in Taloja Central Jail in Mumbai. During his conviction, he was booked in 40-odd cases for various crimes.
It would be intriguing to see Arjun essaying Arun Gawli’s role on the silver screen. The audience might also get to know some unknown facts about the former gangster in Daddy. The film is slated to release on July 21.