Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan’s new film Kaalakaandi had been locked for release on September 8. He says the movie is fun, yet moving. The film’s release date was announced by Cinestaan Film Company, read a statement. Directed by Akshat Verma, the writer of Delhi Belly, who is directing a film for the first time, the dark comedy is the story of six characters from different worlds — urban, ambitious Mumbai and its dark, neglected underbelly. Actor Kunal Roy Kapoor who worked in Delhi Belly as an actor is also working in Kaalakaandi.
Saif said: “Kaalakaandi is a film I’m so happy to be a part of. It’s a cross section of Mumbai with underworld goons, doomed bankers and idealistic lovers all mixed together in this karmic tale about love, crime and living a lifetime in one night.” According to a source in the know of developments, the script was written specifically with Saif in mind. It took over two years before the script finally got to the actor.
“Akshat has written and directed this unique movie … and he is probably the only voice who tells it exactly like it actually is. Mumbai is a crazy, beautiful city and he has captured it perfectly in this very fun and very moving film.” Kaalakaandi, produced by Cinestaan Film Company and Ashi Dua Sara of Flying Unicorn, also features Deepak Dobriyal, Vijay Raz, Kunal Roy Kapoor, Sobhita Dhulipala, Akshay Oberoi, Isha Talwar, Shenaz Treasury, Shivam Patil, Amyra Dastur and Neil Bhoopalam. Shashwat Sachdev has composed the music.
Saif Ali Khan’s Kaalakaandi to release on September 8
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